Nam Long (HOSE: NLG) nominated in Forbes Vietnam’s Top 50 brands 2019

Forbes Vietnam has unveiled the list of Top 50 Brands in Vietnam in 2019. Real estate industry has 4 nominations including Vinhomes, Vincom Retail, Novaland and Nam Long, with a total value of USD $645 million.

Compared to 2018’s list, this year ranking has been categorized by sectors. After being categorized, the brands with most value were selected from top of the categorized lists and extended to 50 brands, in accordance with the development of enterprises and the economy. Selecting the most valuable brands categorized by sectors helps the list to have more outstanding brands in various fields and reflects specific characteristics of each sectors.

This is the first time Nam Long was nominated in the list Top 50 Brands as one of the four leading enterprises in real estate industry. Nam Long has been known as a pioneering township developer with innovations in business model to diversify products in response to different market segments. At the same time, Nam Long’s capital structure is also highly sustainable and proactive in market fluctuations. With more than 650 hectares of existing clean land fund, Nam Long is currently in the Top 5 public companies with largest land fund and has second largest land fund for housing property development.

In early 2019, Nam Long was also recognized in the Top 50 Most Valuable Vietnamese Brands in 2018 according to Brand Finance Report. In order to realize its vision for 2020 as one of the Top 3 township developers in Vietnam, Nam Long focused on developing large township which apply international standards, modern infrastructure and complete utility system to bring additional value to customers and shareholders. By the end of first half of 2019, Nam Long’s total assets worth VND 10,303.7 billion, cash balance was nearly 1,854 billion VND, net revenue surpassed VND 935 billion, 6-month’s gross profit totaled up more than VND 327 billion and profit after tax was VND 265.8 billion, up by 24% compared to the same period last year. Planning for Q3 and Q4, Nam Long plans to open sales for the Akari City township (Binh Tan), Waterpoint Phase 1 (Long An), Mizuki Park Phase 2 and deliver the Valora townhouses and villas, the Flora Mizuki apartment (located in Mizuki Nguyen Son – Binh Chanh) and the Flora Novia apartment (Thu Duc).

List of leading brands in the real estate industry 2019

Forbes Vietnam followed valuation standard of Forbes (from the U.S.) to estimate the contribution of brand to companies’ performance. Business brands with most value belong to companies having large revenue in sectors they play leading role. The data was collected from the financial reports released by companies. Non-listed companies were asked to provide financial data and Forbes Vietnam audited the information via independent sources. Trademark income brought to the business was determined from the value of the intangible asset’s contribution after tax deduction and distributed depending on the brand contribution in each industry. The final trademark value was determined based on the industry regional average Price-to-Earnings Ratio. For unlisted companies, Forbes applied comparison method with companies of the same size and sectors to determine brand value.

(Source: Nam Long Group (Hose: NLG))